The Board consisted of seven Directors, comprising three Executive Directors, one Non-executive Director and three Independent Non-executive Directors who all possess appropriate academic and professional qualifications or related financial management expertise and have brought a wide range of business and financial experience to the Board.

Brief biographical particulars of all Directors, together with information relating to the relationship among them, are set out in the "Investor Relations - Corporate Governance - Board of Directors" section under this interim report. Their diverse range of business and professional expertise ensures that the Board has the skills and experience necessary to both promote the Company’s success and monitor its affairs.

The Board has the collective responsibility for leadership and control of, and for promoting the success of, the Company by directing and supervising the Company’s affairs. The Board is committed to the Company’s objective of consistent growth and development and increase in shareholder value. The Board sets strategies for the Company and monitors the performance and activities of the management. 

The Board is responsible for performing the corporate governance duties set out in the code provision A.2.1 of the Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”) as set out in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules. The principal role and function of the Board in relation to corporate governance is to develop and review the Company’s policies and practices on corporate governance, to review and monitor the training and continuous professional development of Directors and senior management of the Company, to review and monitor the Company’s policies and practices on compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, to develop, review and monitor the code of conduct applicable to employee and Directors, and to review the Company’s compliance with the Code and disclosure in the corporate governance report under the annual report of the Company.

Audit Committee

The audit committee of the Company (the “Audit Committee”) consists of three members, all of which being Independent Non-executive Directors, namely, Mr. Hui Wai Man, Lawrence (as the chairman of the Audit Committee), Mr. Gu Yunchang and Ms. Zhou Xinyi. 

The primary duties of the Audit Committee are to assist the Board to review the financial reporting process, internal control and risk management systems of the Company, nominate and monitor external auditor and provide advice and comments to the Directors. 

Full minutes of the Audit Committee meetings are kept by the Company Secretary. Draft and final versions of minutes of the Audit Committee meetings will be sent to all members of the Audit Committee for their comment and records, within a reasonable time after each meeting. 

The Audit Committee meets the external auditor at least twice a year to discuss any significant items during the audits and considers any matters raised by the Company’s staff responsible for the accounting and financial reporting function, compliance officer or auditor. The Audit Committee reviews the interim and annual reports before submission to the Board. The Committee focuses not only on the impact of the changes in accounting policies and practices but also on the compliance with accounting standards, the Listing Rules and the legal requirements in the review of the Company’s interim and annual reports. 

Remuneration Committee

The remuneration committee of the Company (the “Remuneration Committee”) consists of three members, all of which being Independent Non-executive Directors, namely, Ms. Zhou Xinyi (as the chairman of the Remuneration Committee), Mr. Gu Yunchang and Mr. Hui Wai Man, Lawrence.

The primary functions of the Remuneration Committee include, but not limited to evaluate the performance and make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration package of the Directors and senior management and to evaluate as well as make recommendations on the Company’s share award scheme, retirement scheme and the performance assessment system and bonus and commission policies.

Nomination Committee

The nomination committee of the Company (the “Nomination Committee”) consists of three members, all of which being Independent Non-executive Directors, namely, Mr. Gu Yunchang (as the chairman of the Nomination Committee), Ms. Zhou Xinyi and Mr. Hui Wai Man, Lawrence. 

The primary function of the Nomination Committee is to identify and nominate suitable candidates, for the Board’s consideration and recommendation to stand for election by shareholders at annual general meeting, or when necessary, make recommendations to the Board to fill Board vacancies when they arise.

Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee

Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee

Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee

Contact Us

    Shimao Services Investor Relations Contact

    Company IR:XIE Nan

    Address: 26/F, SHANGHAI SHIMAO TOWER, No. 55, West Weifang Road, Shanghai, PRC 200122

    Telephone: +86 21 38611216
